Ten days to go. Sunday night brings our Carols by Candlelight Service at 8pm, which is usually the best-attended service of the year. We are going a week later this year, mostly due to my trip to the USA at the weekend. It will be interesting to see how this affects numbers. I really need to get my head and heart around a message for this.
We've had teams out visiting the local homes with invitations to our Christmas services and the Burns Supper in January. It's been good to have so many folk helping get word out. I'll get a crack tonight, having missed the opportunities so far, being away and at the final night of the Alpha Course last night.
The staff had a cracking Christmas lunch at the Burrell Collection yesterday (thanks to Jenny for the idea), with unintentional entertainment provided by some Fine Arts Society having lunch nearby. Two people were being initiated, which seemed to involve holding a small bottle of indeterminate amber liquid in the air. We weren't sure whether someone was going to shoot it or drink it. I've asked the waitress if we can be called when they have booked their Christmas dinner for next year. Opinion is divided as to whether this is so we can book for the same day, or avoid it all together.