Yesterday I posted about a mouse. Here is another 'creature' posting.
We have a very embarrassing situation at the rectory. It's bad enough already if you visit us to have to negotiate the eight hamsters running around the vestibule in their little balls. Now, Wilbur, one of our rabbits has made a new friend while on his holidays.
The people he was staying with were advised by a breeder to give him a friend to comfort him, so they gave him a fluffy toy pig as company. The problem is, they have bonded so well, that whenever anyone looks at him, he jumps on top of the pig and proceeds to, erm, to put this delicately?,......mate with it vigourously.
When the GadgetVicar childrens' friends come to visit, invariably, they check out the pets. They are now treated to this sight. The younger ones are slightly embarrassed/disgusted, while the teenagers think it's a great laugh.
So, if you should visit our home, apologies in advance for our pet's behaviour.
We could lend you our dog. He loves hamsters and rabbits - with or without salt and sauce...
Posted by: Mike Goss | 24 August 2006 at 01:46 PM