St Silas' is 'snake-belly low' and 'happy but not clappy' according to the recently published review of one of our meetings on Ship of Fools. It's a fair review given the subjective preferences indicated by the reviewer's other offerings here and here.
It all takes me back to The Varwell Incident. Of course, in that instance, there was The Varwell Incident Mark 2. We learned some lessons between those visits. However in this case, no matter how slick our meeting was, I suspect our mystery reviewer wouldn't have felt very comfortable.
The interesting thing for me is that with Simon's review, I felt it much more important to do something in response. Perhaps it was the fact that he was identifiable, rather than hidden behind a nom-de-plume?
Nevertheless, one thing for all St Silas' readers to remember is that the welcoming doesn't end when you've said hello at the beginning of the service! And who was that mystery 'very cute guy sitting two rows in front of me (alas, too young)'? Anyone care to speculate from the clues of where Kingsfold was sitting that morning (we know who the sketcher is!)?
Much as I love the Mystery Reviewers, I do reckon the anonymity and lack of come-back doesn't make it as honest as it could be. The review does seem quite tainted by their particular sense of comfort, although that's inevitable I suppose.
Congratulations on so many positives though! It comes over as a church that sounds very appealing and I hope you get a few enquirers/visitors out of it!
Posted by: Simon "Incident" Varwell | 22 August 2008 at 03:31 PM
Hi, Are we allowed to respond to a review? I couldn't see how, but sounds like it would be worth while.
(I take it the reviewer was a girl?!)
Posted by: Simon J | 24 August 2008 at 09:22 PM
Well kingsfold makes things all a little ambiguous doesn't it. What happened to the good old days when it was Kingsthing and Queensfold and you knew where you stood.
Posted by: Raspberry Rabbit | 01 September 2008 at 10:07 AM
In answer to the question above, yes, there is the facility for you to comment/respond to the review. On the left hand side of the report on the ship of fools page, there is a link which enables you to send in a comment on the review. Alternatively, (if you register on the boards) you can start a thread about the review.
Posted by: kingsfold | 02 September 2008 at 12:49 PM