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03 September 2009



Hmm, I thought the preferred pisky Bible was Anglicised NRSV with Apocrpyha!
In the past, I've tried to do the start at Genesis and work your way to the end approach, but not successfully. I wonder if any Church has ever managed to follow that approach for sermons and still had people interested at Revelations!
Hope the study with other pastors proves fruitful.


Yup, a lot of Piskies seem to like the NRSV, and rightly so.

My own favoured translation is the NETBible: http://bible.org/netbible/ - stonking footnotes and sensible English.

Stuff the `Genesis to Revelation'(singular!!) business. I want either a bible or decent commentary that takes it in the order it was written, preferably unpacking the flow of material in Documentary Hypothesis and Gospels (cf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating_the_Bible , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authors_of_the_Bible)

John Whitley

I find the New Jerusalem Study Bible excellent; the translation is modrn enoough and the intros and comments helpful. Also using an Apple computer, I rely on Accordance, and use it for the Office when at home

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