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02 September 2010



the moral of the story - don't practice what you're going to preach on.


Look on the bright side: the above must mean that it's statistically IMPOSSIBLE for something to go wrong in the sermon itself! :)

Andrew T

It would seem that you have been provided with plenty of material for a sermon on this topic!!!!


And you neglected your most frequent, and most grating, mistake : constantly saying that Nick is going to be made a 'Vicar'!!! (why not claim he's being elevated to the Cardinalate while you're at it!?) :)


i hope things are looking up. and was sorry to hear about alan, my parents knew him so have let them know..

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GadgetVicar serves with:

  • Scottish Anglican Network
    A network in Scotland of Anglican churches and individuals who follow Jesus and are enthusiastic for Him to be known in our communities.
  • St Thomas' Church, Edinburgh
    A welcoming community of people in the West of Edinburgh who follow Jesus and who long for others to join them on that journey.
    Helping faithful Anglicans in the British Isles and Europe to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.
  • Tearfund
    A Christian charity passionate about ending poverty. I serve on the Scottish Advisory Group.