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24 March 2011



Saying one for you and the peeps at St Silas :(


deeply moved to read the life of this remarkable women in today's Guardian, which noted, in closing, among other things:

"She was very frugal and she is the only person I know who bought the material to make her own tent. She used to take turns cooking with her room-mate and disapproved of extravagant deserts. She had just made nettle soup for all residents of the dormitory"

i am sorry that i never got a chance to meet this very special person and humbled at her life of devotion and self sacrifice. All religions are one. God is great. My prayers are with her and her family

Pam Richmond

I am so, so sorry to hear this news. Mary was such a lovely person, a brilliant linguist and translator and so dedicated to the vision of providing the Bible for the Ife people of Togo to read in their own language. She lived in sometimes very isolated and difficult conditions for many years, and although appearing very gentle, was strong and courageous and determined. I was glad to read that she was so happy living and studying in Jerusalem in the last few months. She is enfolded now in the arms of God, but oh, it is much too soon.

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GadgetVicar serves with:

  • Scottish Anglican Network
    A network in Scotland of Anglican churches and individuals who follow Jesus and are enthusiastic for Him to be known in our communities.
  • St Thomas' Church, Edinburgh
    A welcoming community of people in the West of Edinburgh who follow Jesus and who long for others to join them on that journey.
    Helping faithful Anglicans in the British Isles and Europe to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.
  • Tearfund
    A Christian charity passionate about ending poverty. I serve on the Scottish Advisory Group.