I've got a ten minute slot at Shane and Andy's gig at Central in Edinburgh tonight. i'm particularly looking forward to meeting and hearing Shane. Lately, I've been using his book, A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals for personal worship. I'll be sharing of the transforming work of Self Help Groups in Ethiopia that Tearfund and the Kale Haywet Church have pioneered.
When I was in Ethiopia in October, I was deeply moved by what I saw and heard. Women are being empowered and lifted out of poverty. They speak positively and confidently, even challenging us when we were late for meetings. That was a very different experience of Africa from many of my trips!
Orthodox, Protestants and Muslims support and care for one another in groups which save small amounts together then make loans to one another to start up small businesses. Children get educated, food is on the table and love is demonstrated. "Poverty will no longer be our name!", said one man to us. The vision is to see a nation transformed.
Here's the vision for Tearfund Scotland:
- Tearfund have set up 12,000 self-help groups, which are already impacting 1 million people
- But Ethiopia has a population of 91 million and many of these still live in poverty
- Our vision in Scotland is to see 500 new self-help groups set up in Ethiopia, transforming an amazing 42,500 lives. To do this we need 500 people to give just £10 a month.
Find out more here or come along to Central at 7.30pm tonight.