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11 February 2014



I spent a pleasant 20-30 mins with a similar call getting them to identify which of the 7 or 8 windows computers in the house (of varying vintages and versions of the OS). They got very confused over the which IP address, which machine name and which product key I should be looking for. I don't think they appreciated me wasting their time!


If I had the time, I'd have done the same, Kennedy. Well done to you! What disturbs me is these people playing on vulnerable people and fear.


Got one of these calls early last year, played along with them for abot 15 minutes - even opened up the laptop so they could here the startup tune. When it got to the point the pleasent asian sounding chap asked me to type in some code (i didn't), and tell him what was on the screen i told him i'd reached the refund page and I was typing in £50, as I informed him that was what had been scammed from my In Laws just a week or so earlier.
Cue silence then profanity (from him) then he hung up. Immediately I dialed 1471 which produced a mobile number that was passed onto the 'relevant people'. I'm afraid I was in 'smite' mode rather than something more forgiving.

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